Academic year 2019/2020
Description of the course (lien)
The course of Materials Selection (5 ECTS) is organized in the 1st semester. It takes place from 9h to 12h in the building B28 (Montefiore Institut), room R3.
The first lesson is the September 17th 2019.
*Class given by Mr. Dimitri GUEUNING (Sonaca)*--> MANDATORY *
The lesson about the aerospace materials will be followed by a question session about the lesson and the course in general.
Important notice:
Rules : 10 min. presentation MAX (prepare 10 slides) + 5 minutes of questions. Slides and presentation in English.
Schedule :
08/10 - T. Maurizi Enrici : Case study Lesson 1
15/10 - D.Ruffoni: Ceramics I
26/11 - A. Mertens and D. Ruffoni : Composites
10/12 - Presentation of students work
The students enroll them to the PWs during the first lesson (recommended presence). Erasmus students are invited to contact the assistant to decide together the schedule.
The PWs are organized in 1 lessons (PW1). It gives the opportunity to try with the assistant the CES software and ask question about its use and evaluate with the assistant the topic of the final project.
The Practical Workshops will be concentrated in one week, with maximum two days of session. It will have two different sessions of 2 hours with maximum 20 students per session.
Please download and print the FILE for the PW1!!!
In the lesson of the October 1st it is possible to check together with the students possible problems or mistakes.
Local : Mezzanine Labo Robotique (B52 étage +1 côté labo)
Final Project :
A final work must be prepared by group of 3 people. It is about a materials selection (or to justify the utilisation) in the case of a particular application in the mechanic field, aeronautic field, electromechanic field or chemistry field.
The work can be written and presented in French or in English. The only restriction is about the slides that must be in English.
The report must be send via email to the assistant and delivered in printed version on December 2nd 2019. Every kind of copying will be severely punished.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : After November 20th lesson, it will not anymore possible to make questions to the assistant about the project.
Evaluation :
Written exam: Basically, it is the theoretical explanation seen during the course and 1 exercise of Material Selection (based on the subject saw during the PWs (Possible)).
The repartition of the points is: Final work (30%) + Oral exam (70%).
Slides (work in progress):
Chapitre 4' (Ceramics-Processing)
Compléments du chapitre 7 (dias)
Compléments du chapitre 7 (notes)
Previous page: MERTENS, A
Next page: Ingénierie des matériaux métalliques